Vehicle and category requirements in Norway

To be eligible for our platform, your vehicle must meet the following requirements:

  • Meet all the local requirements for taxis
  • Be registered as a taxi
  • Be clean inside and out
  • Not have any external or internal damage
  • Not have any advertising and logos (Comfort and Premium categories).

For specific categories, additional requirements apply.

Bolt, Pet:

  • Maximum vehicle age: 10 years
  • Minimum seats: 4 (excluding the driver)
  • Sedan, Station wagon, SUV
    • Pet: driver must be willing to accept riders with pets


  • Minimum driver rating: 4.7
    • If your average rating drops below the required threshold, you will be removed from the category automatically. Once your average rating goes back up and meets the required threshold, you will be added back to the category automatically.
  • Maximum vehicle age: 5 years
  • Minimum seats: 4 (excluding the driver)
  • Sedan, Station wagon, SUV
  • Top condition
  • Medium size
  • You can find a list of accepted vehicle models in the List of Car models


  • Minimum driver rating: 4.8
    • If your average rating drops below the required threshold, you will be removed from the category automatically. Once your average rating goes back up and meets the required threshold, you will be added back to the category automatically.
  • Maximum vehicle age: 5 years
  • Minimum seats: 4 (excluding the driver)
  • Luxurious sedan or coupe
  • Perfect condition
  • You can find a list of accepted vehicle models in the List of Car models


  • Maximum vehicle age: 8 years
  • Minimum seats: 4 (excluding the driver)
  • Sedan, Station wagon, SUV
  • Fully electric (hybrids not accepted)
  • You can find a list of accepted vehicle models in the List of Car models


  • Maximum vehicle age: 8 years
  • Minimum seats: 6 (excluding the driver)
  • Compact minivan
  • Good condition
  • You can find a list of accepted vehicle models in the List of Car models

(currently not available)

  • Maximum vehicle age: 8 years
  • Minimum seats: 15 (excluding the driver)
  • Maxi taxi
  • Good condition

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