Understanding fare estimations in Ireland

In Ireland, the taxi fare is set by the National Transport Authority and metered by the Taxi Meter in the vehicle. Bolt uses this fare structure to guide its estimations in the app but does not dictate the final price.

The fare is set by the following:

  • Time of day (standard rate during the day and a premium rate at night)
  • Distance and speed travelled
  • Booking fee (€2)
  • Number of passengers (€1 per additional passenger)
  • Public holidays (special premium rate).

Learn more about the fare structure on the Transport for Ireland website, or use their Taxi Fare Estimator to check fares to and from specific locations.

You will see the price estimate for your trip after entering your destination in the app. This prediction is the best estimate we can give considering the optimal route and the estimated time of arrival.

Executive category

The information above does not apply to the Executive category. In the Executive category, the final price is set by Bolt. If you experience issues during the trip in the Executive category, please contact Support.

Request in seconds, ride in minutes.

Available for iOS and Android devices.
Request in seconds, ride in minutes.