Bury document requirements

Drivers who are licensed by Bury Council must provide the documents listed below to be considered for driving on the Bolt platform.

Please follow the instructions carefully to have your documents successfully reviewed for account activation:

Driver documents:

Vehicle documents:

DVLA Driving Licence


  • Must be a full licence, not provisional
  • Must be a good-quality scan or photo of your current UK DVLA Driving Licence document, with all four corners clearly visible
  • Your licence must be valid, and it must be the most recently issued version of the document
  • Your name, date of birth, full address (including postcode) and profile photo must match your other documents
  • The image you provide must be of the original document. We cannot accept photos of printouts/scans/other photos or black and white images.

Image from iOS (3).jpg

DVLA Check Code

We require the check code to retrieve the PDF of the driving summary, which will be used as validation for your DVLA driving licence.


  • Must be generated on the government webpage or by calling the DVLA
  • Must be a combination of letters and numbers exactly as shown on the webpage
  • You can upload your check code in the form of a screenshot from the gov.uk website or a photo of the code that's either printed out or written on paper. The code is case-sensitive so if you're copying the code by hand, please underline the capital letters

Important: Each code is valid for 21 days and can only be used once.

Snímek obrazovky 2021-03-24 v 14.37.15.png

Private Hire Driver Badge

  • Must be issued by Bury Council
  • Must be a photograph of the front of the current PHD
  • Your image, PHL Number, Name and Expiry Date must be clearly shown
  • Your Licence Number, Name and Expiry Date must match your paper PHL


Private Hire Driver Licence

  • Must be issued by Bury Council
  • Must be a clear photograph of the full, original document
  • Address (including postcode) must match with your UK Plastic Driving Licence
  • Badge number must match PCO badge


Private Hire Vehicle Licence

  • Must be issued by Bury Council
  • Must be a clear photograph of the full, original document
  • Must be a valid Private Hire Vehicle Licence.


Insurance certificate

To show proof of insurance, you must upload an insurance certificate or a temporary cover note.

Requirements for insurance certificates and cover notes

  • You must be named as the Policyholder, or be listed under the section "Persons entitled to drive"
  • The insurance policy must be valid
  • The Vehicle Registration Number (VRM) must be named as the insured vehicle
  • The cover type must explicitly state "Hire and Reward" or "Private Hire"
  • The use must not be:
    • limited to a single ride-hailing operator (other than Bolt)
    • limited to rideshare
    • restricted by any time limits

If your insurance doesn't meet these requirements, please provide an insurance supporting document with the necessary details in addition to the insurance document.

Information about supporting documents

If you or the vehicle you wish to use is not named on the insurance certificate, you must upload a supporting document. We can only accept the following documents:

  • A rental agreement issued by the company you rent your vehicle from
  • A permission letter issued by the company or person whose vehicle you're using
  • Driver or vehicle schedules (for vehicles insured under a rental company's fleet insurance policy).

Requirements for supporting documents

  • The document must be valid
  • The document must be issued by the person or company listed as the Policyholder on the insurance certificate
  • The logo and signature of the Policyholder must be present on the document

Bank statement

Submit a bank statement for the account you want your Bolt payments sent to.

The bank statement must:

  • Be issued in English from a legitimate bank (only personal account is accepted)
  • Not be older than 3 months
  • Include the following details:
    • Your full name and address
    • Sort code and bank account number

Additional information

  • Your first name(s) can be shown as your initials, but your full surname(s) must be on the statement
  • Other details not mentioned above can be excluded from the photo (cropped or blurred out)

Profile picture

Your profile picture will be visible to passengers in the app and must be a good likeness to you. Pictures must meet the following requirements:

  • Your face is centred in the frame
  • Nobody else is visible in the frame
  • The image is not blurry
  • You're not wearing a hat or sunglasses (eyeglasses and religious garments are accepted)
  • The photo is taken in good lighting (try facing a light source, like a lamp or window)
  • The image is taken against a solid background
  • The photo is taken with the camera at eye level

Request in seconds, ride in minutes.

Available for iOS and Android devices.
Request in seconds, ride in minutes.