We are sorry if the final price of the trip is higher than you expected. The final price can be higher because of the following reasons:
- You didn’t end the ride in the app on time
- You finished the ride outside of the parking zone and was charged a fine
- The trip was finished after midnight so the maximum day rate was applied only to the part of your trip before midnight
- You had a negative Bolt Balance due to a previous failed payment and the debt was added to the trip price. You can check this in the Payments section by clicking See transactions.
- Bolt may make a temporary booking on your card before you initiate an e-bike/scooter trip to check the card’s validity and protect your security. If the final price of the trip is lower than the booked amount then the difference is released immediately. The released amount will reflect on your bank account within 14 days, depending on your bank. This booking may show on your bank statement as a pending charge as the money never leaves your account.
To check the prices, click on the vehicle icon on the map and see the price below the Reserve button. If you are still concerned about the amount you paid, please contact our Support team via the app.