Meet Bolt Send: your fast package delivery service

May 22, 2024

package delivery

Introducing Bolt Send, a convenient package delivery service. It’s perfect for surprising a loved one with a gift, returning something a friend left behind, or ensuring an item gets where it needs to be, pronto! 

You simply submit a request with a few taps in the Bolt app, and your items will be delivered in minutes. Delivery is available throughout Bolt’s service area at a price similar to a ride-hailing trip.

See the benefits of Bolt Send and how to send a package below.

*Bolt Send is available in selected countries.

5 reasons to use Bolt Send for delivering packages

Bolt Send makes package delivery as easy as getting around town with Bolt.

It offers a convenient way to send small packages and has many advantages over traditional delivery methods:

  • Save time

There’s no need to print labels or drop off packages at shipping centres.

  • Send quickly

Request delivery in a few taps, pay in-app, and get delivery in minutes.

  • Track delivery

No more lost packages â€” follow the delivery in real time and receive live updates.

  • Enjoy flexibility

Send and receive packages anytime, anywhere in the service area.

  • Order securely

There’s only 1 package per delivery driver, so your package won’t get mixed up! 

Bolt Send allows you to send packages to clients, friends, or family members at any address within Bolt’s service area — no paperwork needed.

You pay for Bolt Send the same way you do for rides. Simply select your preferred payment option in the app, and you’re good to go.

Read on for how to send a package with Bolt Send.

Send packages with Bolt Send in 7 steps

Sending a package is as easy as ordering a Bolt ride: 

  1. Open the Bolt ride-hailing app;
  2. Enter package pickup location and destination;
  3. Select the ‘Bolt Send’ ride-type;
  4. Confirm the trip;
  5. Meet the driver outside and hand over the package;
  6. Share trip details with the recipient so they can track the delivery;
  7. Have the recipient meet the driver on the street.

But before you request your first delivery, please see the below requirements.

Ensure a smooth delivery

When you order Bolt Send, you must be available to answer any questions the driver may have until the package is delivered. 

Please note that Bolt Send isn’t a door-to-door delivery service, so ensure the recipient is ready to meet the driver roadside at the designated time.

There are also some specific requirements we’ll go into below.

Package size and weight limits

Packages must be under 15 kg and no larger than 65 × 55 × 40 cm**. It must fit in the vehicle’s boot, passenger seat, or back seat. 

**Subject to local regulations.

Prohibited items

Bolt Send has requirements similar to those of traditional package delivery services.

All packages must be clean, safe, and properly packed in a box, bag, or envelope that fits in a car or on a Bolt motorbike.

Sending food, alcohol, animals, banknotes, weapons, or medicine is prohibited. Illegal items and packages whose value exceeds permitted local regulations are also prohibited.

Unsuitable packages

If your package doesn’t meet the requirements, the driver has the right to cancel the trip, and a cancellation fee may be applied.

Bolt Send FAQs

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Bolt Send. You can read more about Bolt Send in Bolt’s General Terms and Conditions for ride-hailing customers. 

If you have additional questions, please contact us through the Bolt app.

How does the package pickup and drop-off work?

You give your package to the driver in person, and they drive it to the entered destination. The recipient must accept the package from the driver by the roadside at the agreed time and location. The driver isn’t obliged to deliver the package directly to the door.

How much does it cost to send a package with Bolt Send?

Bolt Send prices are similar to those of Bolt rides. You can check prices in the app while placing your order.

What happens if the package doesn’t arrive intact?

Bolt isn’t responsible for package loss, theft, or damage. However, if you encounter any issues, please contact Customer Support via the app so we can find a solution.

Try Bolt Send for quick package delivery in your city

So, try Bolt Send if you need a convenient way to send small packages to clients, friends, or family!

Open the Bolt app, enter the destination, and select Bolt Send. Your package will be picked up in minutes.

And if you don’t have the Bolt app, download it today.

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