Lessons in career growth — meet Amanda Linderoth, Operations Manager at Bolt

Apr 4, 2022

Life at Bolt

Amanda Linderoth joined Bolt as an Operations Specialist before moving to the roles of Key Account Manager and finally Operations Manager. 

Join us as we hear from Amanda about her Bolt journey, taking ownership, and tips for progressing your career!

A business foundation

Amanda’s story of personal growth started at Uppsala University, where she studied for a bachelor’s degree in Business Management and Control. This was soon followed by a master’s in Business Leadership and Organisation. 

The decision to focus on business-related topics was thanks to a school entrepreneurship course, where Amanda got to start her own company. It was something she enjoyed and which ultimately decided her future study path.

Following roles in sales, consulting, employer branding, and recruitment, Amanda was set on working in a high-paced environment with a growing team — which led her to Bolt.

The first days at Bolt

Amanda joined Bolt as a Bolt Food Operations Specialist, helping onboard restaurants to the platform.

Thinking back to her first days, it was Bolt’s international outlook and job flexibility that stood out.

“I was so impressed by the international environment and how much help you had from other countries. Knowledge sharing across countries is one of Bolt’s main strengths. 

I also remember that I could challenge myself and try new things, but also ask for help and stay in my comfort zone when needed”, says Amanda. 

One year, two new roles

After ten months in the Operations Specialist role, Amanda’s thirst for change and learning new things led her to a Key Account Manager position. 

Again with Bolt Food, Amanda was responsible for taking care of top-performing restaurants and managing their campaigns. And importantly, it was also her first taste of management — leading a team of 4 people. 

The experience built up in account management took Amanda to her current role as Operations Manager — something she’d been targeting since she joined Bolt.

“I always knew I wanted to become an Operations Manager. My main interests are in leadership and organisational development, and as an Operations Manager, I get the perfect balance between people and numbers,” says Amanda.

Amanda Linderoth with the team

A day in the life of an Operations Manager

A typical workday usually starts with some focus time to run through numbers for the previous day or week, followed by general administrative tasks and any urgent issues.

Amanda usually spends her days moving projects forward, meeting stakeholders, and helping colleagues.

With different priorities on the to-do list, the greatest challenge is time management — specifically, making sure that time is spent on the most important tasks.

But, with great challenges come great rewards. “My biggest accomplishment is being able to lead my amazing team who are smart, motivated, and humble. Another is our data, which gives us the power to understand problems and make new suggestions,” says Amanda.

Working in Sweden, Amanda is based at the Bolt office but generally prefers a hybrid working approach. 

“Some people work best from home while others prefer the office. Whatever your preference, I think that for creativity and team culture, it’s important to meet people at the office and exchange ideas over your coffee breaks,” says Amanda.

Making an impact 

Now in her 3rd Bolt role, Amanda’s no stranger to taking on new challenges and growing both personally and professionally. And it’s the ownership and initiative that stand out as her highlights for working at Bolt. 

As long as you have the data to back it up and the drive to make it happen, you can develop as much as you want. You can also track the impact you’re making. For example, seeing the numbers change after introducing a new campaign or trying a new approach. 

However, much of this professional freedom is thanks to the culture and environment. 

“Our ability to share information across business lines and at a global scale is what contributes to our success. Plus, as individuals, we’re all honest and straightforward, which facilitates collaboration across borders,” says Amanda.

Taking your next career step

Amanda’s advice for others looking to grow is to step outside of their comfort zone, change plans, be ready to make mistakes, and ask the ‘silly’ questions. 

Here are Amanda’s top 3 tips for those who want to take the next step in their career:

  1. “Before taking your next career step, take the time to consider what role will bring you the greatest enjoyment and satisfaction — not just what gives you the highest status.
  1. Don’t be afraid of saying that you’re ready to take the next step! Then, ask your manager (or the appropriate person) what you need to do to take that step. If you never explicitly state your interest, no one will ever know.
  1. Always remember to negotiate your salary — especially if you’re a woman!” says Amanda.

Life outside of Bolt 

Now we know what makes Amanda tick in her daily work, it’s time to look at what keeps her busy outside the office!

In terms of hobbies, you’ll likely find Amanda on the court:

“My favourite hobby at the moment is beach volleyball — it’s not only great exercise, but it requires you to focus your mind,” says Amanda. 

She’s also currently into all things personal finance. Her top podcast pick is “Rika Tillsammans” (Rich together), and her favourite book is Rich Dad Poor Dad. 

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