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Find the  Bolt Category that suits you.

Maximize your earnings as a Bolt driver with our carefully crafted driver categories, designed to help you achieve your highest income potential.


We accept vehicles that meet the following requirements: 

  • Must be registered in Lithuania

  • Must be in perfect technical and external condition

  • Have at least 4 doors and 5 seats

  • The car cannot have "taxi"  attributes, and the format of the car's license plates is ABC 123 (except for the Taxi category)

Category differences you can check in FAQ section below.

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Check the Bolt Categories


Bolt Category


Basic Category


Comfort Category

Tesla grey category icon side view.png

Tesla Category


Green Category


Taxi Category


Booster Category


Pet Category


XL Catgeory


Wheelchair category

Bolt Send generic category icon copy.png

Bolt Send Category


Assist Category

Important FAQs about different Bolt categories

  • LTSA officers asked me for documentation regarding my driver activity on the platform. What should I provide?
    Here is a list of documents that drivers must present to LTSA officers during the inspection, as well as information on the form in which you must carry each document with you: Driver's license (original document); Car registration certificate (original document); *Compulsory vehicle technical inspection results report (document original); Compulsory insurance certificate-policy for the civil liability of vehicle owners (original or electronic version of the document); Certificate of individual activity: activity no. 493900 (document original or electronic version); A document (certificate or transcript) issued by the Department of Informatics and Communications under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania at least one year ago regarding convictions and non-convictions (original or electronic version of the document); Medical certificate issued by the Republican Center for Addiction Diseases at least one year ago (original or electronic version of the document); Permit for the carriage of passengers for remuneration by passenger cars (electronic version); **A document confirming that the carrier legally owns the vehicle, if the vehicle does not belong to the carrier (original document). *For cars that are used to carry out the activity of transporting passengers for a fee to order, a mandatory technical inspection must be carried out: 1) every 6 months, if their duration of operation from the first registration date is 5 years or more; 2) every 12 months, if their duration of operation from the date of first registration is up to 5 years. **If you don't own the car - also have a rental agreement with you! LTSA officials will also ask you to provide documentation to prove your ride activity on the platform. When requested to provide the documents listed below, you must show an active driver account / information on the Driver Portal: Receipts for receiving money, if payments were made in cash ("Passenger invoices" section of the driver's portal); Data on contracts concluded by the carrier with passengers for the carriage of passengers for remuneration (driver's app); Cooperation agreement between the carrier and the passenger transport organizer (driver's app).
  • Where can I buy the driver badge?
    We share the places where you can purchase a transport badge: Autoaibė Ž You can also simply print out the carrier sign at your convenience, we provide a printable copy below:
  • How can I recognise LTSA officials?
    While on duty, LTSA officers must wear a uniform and a bright yellow vest with an attached personal identifier. On the front of the vest, on the left side, at the height of the chest and in the center of the back, there is an inscription. Please follow this link for more information.

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